HLS with Transport Streams (TS)
USP supports adding AES encryption. The encryption is applied on-the-fly, so there is no preprocessing involved.
The options for enabling encryptions are stored in the server manifest file.
For HLS AES encryption a CEK (Content Encryption Key) and a license acquisition URL (the location where the player retrieves the key) are needed.
Demo streams can be found in the Unified Streaming Demo.
For HLS TS Output, TransDRM is required when working with pre-encrypted
content. With CPIX you will need to use the CPIX decryption option
alongside the --cpix
option when creating the manifest.
Adding AES-128 Encryption
Next is creating a server manifest file with enabled encryption. You need to provide the following options:
The key id (KID) and content encryption key (CEK) are passed with the
option where KID and CEK are separated by a colon, e.g.
As no KID is used for AES-128, this can be left empty. The CEK is a (random) 128 bit value and must be coded in hex (base16).
The URL used by the player to retrieve the key.
Content Key
You can use openssl for generating a random key:
openssl rand 16 > video.key
The file video.key holds the encryption key that will be requested by
the player. If openssl returns "unable to write 'random state'",
remove ~/.rnd
then try once more.
The following command creates a server manifest file with the key information embedded:
mp4split -o video.ism \
--hls.key=:`cat video.key | hexdump -e '16/1 "%02x"'` \
--hls.license_server_url=https://license-server/video.key \
The generated server manifest file (video.ism) now holds the key information.
When a client requests a .m3u8 playlist the webserver module will automatically
insert the proper #EXT-X-KEY
tag and requests for the MPEG-TS
fragments are encrypted on-the-fly.
An example .m3u8 playlist:
#EXTINF:4, no desc
The following command creates a server manifest file with the key information embedded:
mp4split -o video.ism \
--hls.key=:000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f \
--hls.license_server_url=https://www.example.com/oceans.key \
Please download the hls-with-aes.sh
sample script which creates
the various server manifest as discussed above.
The sample content is Tears of Steel.
Adding SAMPLE-AES Encryption
For SAMPLE-AES encryption the setup is similar. Please note that this is for on-the-fly encryption. For file based encryption see Packaging HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) with TS.
First we create a 128-bit CEK (Content Encryption Key) and optional 128-bit IV (Initialization Vector). These are just files with 16 random bytes. You could use for example 'openssl' to create the key.
openssl rand 16 > content.key
openssl rand 16 > init_vector.key
The command-lines for creating the server manifest is similar to the above, except that we need to use different options.
The key id (KID) and content encryption key (CEK) are passed with the
option where KID and CEK are separated by a colon, e.g.
As no KID is used for AES-128, this can be left empty. The CEK is a (random) 128 bit value and must be coded in hex (base16).
The initialization vector (automatically generated if missing).
The URL used by the player to retrieve the key.
The string identifier 'sample_aes'.
CEK=`cat content.key | hexdump -e '16/1 "%02x"'`
KIV=`cat init_vector.key | hexdump -e '16/1 "%02x"'`
# URL that resolves to content.key
mp4split -o example.ism \
--hls.key=:${CEK} \
--hls.key_iv=${KIV} \
--hls.license_server_url=${LA_URL} \
--hls.playout=sample_aes \
oceans-64k.ismv oceans-250k.ismv
Please download the hls-with-sample-aes.sh
sample script which
creates the various server manifest as discussed above.
The sample content is Tears of Steel.
Adding China DRM
New in version 1.7.19.
China DRM is specified with the --hls.key_format="chinadrm"
option, where
the appropriate signaling will be present in the media playlists.
mp4split -o video.ism \
--hls.key=:${CEK} \
--hls.key_iv=${IV} \
--hls.license_server_url=${LA_URL} \
--hls.playout=aes \
--hls.key_format="chinadrm" \
video-500k.ismv video-750k.ismv video-1500k.ismv
Adding FairPlay DRM
New in version 1.7.2.
This is similar to the SAMPLE-AES described in the previous paragraph
with two additional tags added to the EXT-X-KEY
is set to "com.apple.streamingkeydelivery" and the
is set to "1".
To enable the additional signaling, you have to change the --hls.playout
option from 'sample_aes' to 'sample_aes_streamingkeydelivery'.
Note that, while sample_aes only requires an iOS device, the client application is required to be developed using Apple's FairPlay SDK for it to be able to work with sample_aes_streamingkeydelivery.
The string identifier sample_aes_streamingkeydelivery
Special care needs to be taken with the content_key/key_iv, this needs to 32 bytes.
It can be created like this:
openssl rand 32 > presentation.key
Here content_key is the first 16 and key_iv the second 16. Pass these separately
as --hls.key
and --hls.key_iv
Alternatively you can create two 16 byte values and cat them together in a single file.
The player will fetch it using the 'fairplay sdk'.
Dolby Digital Plus, also known as Enhanced AC-3 or EC-3 audio streams are supported as well. See HLS Sample-AES Audio Formats for further reference.
Adding Marlin DRM
New in version 1.6.9.
USP supports adding Marlin protection to HLS presentations using AES. The
options for enabling encrypted playout are stored in the server manifest file.
For Marlin HLS AES encryption the KID and CEK are specified as
Adding Marlin DRM. Additionally, Marlin playout allows a content id attribute
to be specified as a CID
query parameter of the license server URL.
Options for Marlin
You need to provide the following options:
Enable Marlin AES encryption
The KID and CEK are passed with the --marlin.key
option where KID and CEK
are separated by a colon, e.g. --marlin.key=KID:CEK
Note that both KID and CEK must be coded in hex (base16).
The license server URL, where ?CID=...
is stripped from the URL and instead
passed as a separate attribute in #EXT-X-KEY
The following command creates a server manifest file for HLS playout with AES Marlin DRM:
mp4split -o video.ism \
--hls.playout=marlin \
--marlin.key=b366360da82e9c6e0b0984002a362cf2:a0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeaf \
--marlin.license_server_url=urn:marlin-drm?CID=content1234 \
The generated .m3u8
playlists will contain a line like:
Clients and Playout
For playout you need a Marlin capable player, for instance Intertrust's Wasabi Marlin Client SDK for more information.
See a Marlin DASH demonstration.
Adding Primetime DRM
There are two variants for Adobe Primetime with HLS, AES-128 and SAMPLE-AES. By default, AES-128 is used unless a different hls playout type is specified. The following example shows the preparation of a server manifest file for Adobe Primetime SAMPLE-AES.
mp4split -o video.ism \
--hls.key=:${CEK} \
--hls.key_iv=${IV} \
--hls.license_server_url=${LA_URL} \
--hls.playout=faxs_sample_aes \
--hls.inline_drm \
--hds.drm_specific_data=${DRM_DATA} \
video-500k.ismv video-750k.ismv video-1500k.ismv